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Sunday, March 07, 2021
@ 1:38 PM
Every time I feel like if there is something big or something bothering me, I would just want to pen down my thoughts and kind of in a way.. arrange and sort things out.
Here I am, once again writing a new blog post almost after a year.
So, I am going back home. Back to where I was born, and back to where I was raised and where my loved ones are.
It was a huge decision but it took me a lot of courage to actually make that choice.
At the end of 2020, I thought that I didn't want to spend the last day of the year alone because its kind of sad and.. the pandemic hasn't been any better.
I was getting into Taiwan videos and thought maybe I want to meet the guys from there. loll so I downloaded this app and I happened to meet this guy whom I never thought would make me see the things I've never seen.
To elaborate what I meant, it was more about me falling out of my fangirling. I realise a lot more and how I also miss home. I miss receiving attention and I miss being with friends and just doing stupid and memorable stuff.
I do have friends in Korea but there's just a few close ones. We all have our lives and while we do gather time to time, there's just nothing like home I suppose.
I have spent 8.5 years in this country, I feel like I have a love-hate relationship but it is definitely something I did not regret.
I missed out many important events, timelines in my family and I hope that I can make that up once I go back. I want to just be at home.. though I would probably hate the nagging from my mum but its just something called love that I miss so much.
I would probably get tired from playing with my nephew and stuff but I want to be the aunt who is there, watching him grow. Graduating from pre-school to even getting enrolled into primary school and so on. It's all part of life and something that will never come again.
I guess I would complain about the hot and humid weather in Singapore but I'm so glad I would be able to wear flip flops, shorts and just get a cup of Koi anywhere.
There's a lot of things waiting for me and I believe the transitioning and getting use to the culture will take a while but I think I can do this.
Up to till now, I've always look back and wondered where did I get the freaking courage to just go to a foreign land to pursue something I'd love. It's scary how something/someone you love can make you do things so scary. lol.
Dam.. I was brave.
Anyway, I guess visiting my blog once in a while its pretty interesting. It gives me a sense of nostalgia and reminds me of who I really am. :)
Sunday, April 12, 2020
@ 2:02 PM
I think the very first time when I started to blog was to sort of pen down the thoughts I had when I was a 13 year old kid who just started attending secondary school.
I always knew that I will forget the things that happened and I thought one of the best options was to type and deposit my memories and things that happened in school and stuff on the internet. I don't think I ever regret starting a blog because it had allowed me to go through my thoughts and think about the stuff that was in my mind.
Who knew that about... 14 years later, I am now writing at the exact some blog, thinking about my life in the future.
It has only been 4 months into 2020 and it hadn't been that smooth. I believe that many would say that if they had a rewind button, they would want to go back to the end of 2019 and start all over again. Do I want to do the same thing?
Maybe... or maybe not.
Ever since a long time ago (I think), there had been a few movies that talked about travelling back in time to make up for some of the mistakes people made etc. Time machines were built and the main character would travel back so that they could apologise to people, save someone from a fatal accident, say 'I love you' to their dearest and so on. I mean I guess I understand the reasons why they plan and want to go back in time. I'm sure deep down inside anyone, all of us have that moment we would want to return.
I do too.
But I guess the past is the past and there is no point in dwelling in the past. It is part of life. We all make mistakes, we all make tough decisions.
I haven't look back at the posts which I had written back in 2012 because that was when I thought maybe my posts were the cringy-est. It was the time when I had made my first step into Korea.
Can you believe it has been 8 years since I had decided to just switch my life, run away from whatever I was running away? I was only 18 and I guess it's possible.
If I were 18 once again, I doubt I would have the courage to do so. Strange but yes. 18 was a powerful and beautiful time in life. I was daring, I didn't care what people think, I hurt a lot of people, most probably my family when I said I wanted to go to Korea to just do something which I thought it was my dream.
I still remembered the time when a lot of my close friends thought that I was out of my mind and that I had fallen too deeply into K-Pop idols. Yes, it's true.
But I guess maybe perhaps due to my venture into the unknown, I had been through so, so much. It's hard to explain but I guess when you decided to just start a new life in a foreign country, you thought you could do literally anything.
It's true and it was really an adventure I would say. And also an achievement which I never thought I would have imagined.
Well, I think the time has come. I'm not sure when but I feel like it's time to go back into the home which had given me the love I'd thought I never had and I'd been taken for granted.
A new change awaits for me and I honestly am not sure if I am able to handle it well. I think I can. I hope I can. And I will.
I want to become the person when I go back that says 'I didn't regret going away for 8 years' because I have learned so so so much if I had decided to stay in Singapore.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Labels: home, korea, life, singapore
Monday, March 11, 2019
@ 7:51 PM
I guess this is the first post of the year, even though its kind of late, but to those whoever out there who still read my blog. thank you. lol.
I think working has kept me busy for a long time and I have been indulging myself in sitcoms and dance videos these days. and bts. haha. still the same old me.
recently, i have been thinking abt what i am writing and what i want to write in the future. not long ago, a grp of friends i met in church were sharing what they wish to become in the future. some of them shared that they want to become diplomat for their country, a surgeon and many respectable career options which i don't think i ever dream of.
when it came to my turn to share, i felt honestly kind of embarrassed to say writer. (idk why i felt tha way back then) but when i said i wanted to become a writer, they were more than surprised and also impressed? if i am right to use the word. they became interested in what i want to write and i told them i want to write topics that would get people to think and reflect. ultimately, thats my goal. haha.
sometimes i feel like i become so not confident of myself when it comes to doing the stuff i am doing. 25 years of living on this earth but i feel kinda lost here and there. lol. not sure what my plan is also.
i guess i can only pray and wait for the best. haha. not rushing but just kind of anxious here and there wondering if i am on the right track.
happy spring~
Labels: career, dance, korea, life, sitcoms, writer
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Timing @ 8:13 PM
never used to believe in timing when it comes to relationship until recent
years. To me, all along the concept was if it happens, it happens. If it does
not, it just means that two person are not fated with each other.
young, I grew up watching Taiwanese, Korean dramas and inside those shows, it
was usually about two people realizing their love for one another. Perhaps it
was due to the way I was brought up that caused me to feel that everyone will
eventually find their ‘perfect’ match. Some people may find their perfect
someone earlier whereas for others, they may appear really late.
I first experienced my first break up, I honestly thought that I would never be
able to trust and love another person again. It made me feel as if I was the
one at fault and somehow I was the one who caused the whole relationship to
fail even though I put in my utmost effort to keep it going.
years had passed and things did eventually get better but throughout that time I
believe I was focusing on self-love. God was looking out for me and maybe that
was why he let me fell in love with BTS. They came up with a whole series of
loving yourself concepts that touched not only me and I dare say the whole
world as well.
lyrics of their songs soothed and comforted me, assuring me that I was not the
only one out there feeling this way. I learned to have fun by myself and
enjoyed spending time with my friends and family more. Penning down my thoughts
of course made me clearer about what I want and I guess it also became a path
that I want to pursue in the future too.
later, reality and the business of work caused me to widen the initial gap I had
with BTS and loneliness crept in. I still love the seven boys but it was not as
strong as before. Couples began to appear more and more within my vision and
the next thing I knew, I downloaded a dating app. I did not want to meet people
from Korea and so I set my setting in Singapore.
is one cunning element out there in the universe if you think about it.
was interested in this particular guy and took the initiative to press the like
button. Turns out he was pretty cool about it and accepted my offer to start a
conversation. And the shocking thing was he’s from the JC as me and was also in
the same geography class with me for 2 years.
I had no idea who he was. Before people asked me why I had no recollection of
this person was because it was a lecture style setting. I took H1 geography
which meant that there was no tutorial. Just imagine a lecture hall with maybe
60 students? Seriously, what were the odds?
hope I’m not jinxing it by saying all these out but until now we have been
chatting straight for 3 weeks. That is honestly something worth noticing and I feel
this similarities and difference between us that I thought was rather charming
about this whole connection.
made me wonder about timing and my initial thoughts were what a bitch. And made
me think about what if this was one of the ways to make me return home.
since my last trip back home, I feel even more attached to Singapore and the
beauty that you can only see after leaving Singapore for a long time was
hitting me. Korea is nice but like what I had said for a long time, it will not
be the place that I want to settle down.
is still home.
can’t be for sure if the chat will last until next year’s Chinese New Year and
if it still does; I’m going to have to reassess my whole situation again.
Labels: decisions, home, korea, life, love, singapore
Sunday, August 05, 2018
@ 3:22 PM
익명이 |
it has been a long~~ while since i've updated about my life. yes. lol. i realised ive always been starting my blog post like this but i feel like with all the social accounts available out there in the world, there are so many options for ppl to choose from.
if you want to stalk how your pri school classmate, you can just head over fb. if you want to know about a certain celeb and stuff, stalk their instagram, snapchats. there's just so many choices for people to use and i feel like although theres still a handful of people out there blogging, it's not as wide spread as it was before.
anw, i feel like i have been thinking what do i want to do with my life. i would say my job is rather good for what i want now but what do i want in the future. im pretty sure by the end of next year i will most probably back in sg. well, that's my plan. but let say it really does happen.. what am i going to do next.
ive been searching for possible job options and i feel like theres really just so few stuff i am interested in or jobs that match my previous experiences. my last and final option is to just open my bubble tea shop. lol. im still serious on that btw.
ive been writing a lot of articles mostly on kpop news and tour schedules etc. but as i work for the almost 6th mth for my company, i feel like theres just sth more i can do. idk what that is. but i would say i am feeling the slight drain. idk if its because i am being impatient or what but i feel like i should also give myself some time to achieve the stuff i want to.
i will be heading to my first debut showcase for a new boy group tomorrow and honestly i am quite excited. i dont think i will be asking questions but i will be focusing on taking photos on the 9(?) members.
i feel like aside from the random showcases which i can head to and writing articles, i feel like i am still keen on writing topics that provoke people's thoughts. lol. i'm not sure how i am going to do that but i feel like i need to increase my level of vocabulary once again, read more, learn more. be open to more topics and read the news.
its hard. its hard to figure what i really want and its weird to say but i feel like i've also achieved many. i may not be like some of my other peers who are working in huge companies and stuff but like i feel like as long as you do sth u can do and sth u like and it feeds u well enough i guess we need to be grateful for that.
i feel like im blabbering for no reason again. lol. anw. thats all for now i guess.
im still doing well. surviving in the freaking~~ hot summer here in korea.
Saturday, June 09, 2018
@ 11:57 PM
Don't you feel like ever since you started working, things are so different? Weekends become so precious and so is alone time.
Health becomes so important and eating right becomes an important factor in life too.
I don't know.. Just have been wondering and thinking about life. Thinking about what am I doing and what do I want to achieve. There are many things I want to do, many things I want to learn and many places I want to visit too.
For some reason, I feel like just visiting the U.S. or something. Try out their food and experience for the first time the Western culture. Sure I've made a lot of friends who came from the U.S. in Korea but its just different. Maybe check out the buildings, architecture and stuff.
I also want to go back to Taiwan once again and breathe the fresh air at the country sides. Everything just seem to slow down when you are away from the busy city.
But guess what is the funny thing. I realised that every time I'm away from my present life? I would always yearn to return to the city. To this fast paced, competitive and stressful society. I'm not sure why too.
As I typed this down, I suddenly remember a class which I took about two years ago. It was about city development, part of the classes for international studies. It was a long chapter about development of cities etc and the main point from that chapter was living in a city itself, makes you worst but you kind of cannot get out of it. Strange but I think its true.
What do I want in life? Family, friends, dance, BTS, K-Pop, bubble tea, fish pancake, food, fast delivery (ha). I mean I have been thinking about what's going to happen after I go back to Singapore. Is there going to be a job or thing that will fit me?
I feel like after staying in Korea for almost 6 years, I realised I kind of found myself but at the same time made me realise a lot of stuff I did not know about myself. But I don't think I should be pushing myself to think too much about this. After all, it's life. Nothing its for sure.
Just like what Earl said in "2 Broke Girls", the only sure thing in life is death. Ironic but right on the spot.
I wonder also if I'm just overthinking. Nothing wrong to overthink but I mean, you know those days when you can't help but overthink. I guess it's one of those days for me. Haha.
Actually I kind logged into my blog to talk about dance but I'm not sure why I suddenly decided to talk about other stuff. lol. I'm doing fine just a lot on my mind.
Hope everyone is doing well, healthy and safe. ^^
Saturday, April 21, 2018
@ 1:32 PM
For those who don't know what my current job is right now, I am currently working as an editor at this media company. And well, obviously K-Pop related. So basically I write usually 6 articles a day and that is honestly quite a lot.
I think that is also the reason why every time during weekends I dont really find the will to write or update blogs and stuff. It kind of became like a weird.. thing. Like as if I am working on the weekends or something. But I guess I feel pretty alright today and here I am typing.
For over a month I have been writing articles in 'proper' English. lol. I don't mean like my English was not proper before that all anything. But I guess it kinda just made me become more formal and exact. I mean look at what I have written for the past two paragraphs. All my 'i's are in the uppercase and I type K-Pop and not kpop anymore. lol.
Anyway, one of the reasons why I have decided to update my blog which I havent been doing for a while is because of an idol related incident which I had written yesterday.
If you guys know about Samuel from produce 101 season 2. He was known as the second Jeon Somi because of him being interracial. During that time, people were also wondering if he was being discriminated due to his nationality. He is talented and if I didnt remember wrongly, he is also the first person during that season to get A on the show's level evaluation test.
So what happened was during yesterday music bank, KBS apparently has this interview section with idols after they arrive at the scene. He was being interviewed and honestly I have no idea why they were also doing the interview in the middle of the road too. But anyway, so I am also sure you know fans with cameras who take photos of their idols. They are called 'homma' in Korean. So those fans of NCT apparently went over the fence and chased after NCT and tried to take photos of them. But, here comes the problem.
They freaking bumped into Samuel and acted as if nothing had ever happened. Well, the moment I saw that I felt like anger was boiling in me. Like DUDE THAT'S FREAKING RUDE!!! Another reason why I got so angry was because I am also a fan myself. As a fan yourself, you definitely don't feel good when you see fans from other fandom being rude to your idol right? I mean seriously, it's rude.
Now I get why its tough work for security guards at music shows too. They have to be fierce for a reason too. Because some fans just don't get it. They don't get the danger of pushing the limits. I am obviously disgusted by actions of those fans and I don't mean just those fans. All those fans which went overboard and exceeded the rights of being a fan.
I mean I don't know if Samuel and NCT members are close to each other or not but I hope they are fine. Its definitely also not NCT members' fault but I really do hope that those fans need to learn their lessons. Because.. I believe in karma.
Have a good day everyone.
Labels: issues, korea, kpop, life, work
you think you know me.
hi my name is Jou Teng and i think koreans are haawt. ;)
i like to eat man tou and drink bubble tea
I was an 엘프 (E.L.F.)
i still take note of 려욱 here and there
호야 from 인피니트 is my new bias. 111228. 리더규 is my 2nd. 3rd Official Inspirit ∞
120323 B.A.P. 힘찬+젤로+대현+종웁
Watch me cheerrox@deviantart.
Dancing is what i like to do. and i want to continue doing it. To some people dancing is a sport, a way to express themselves but to others, it is LIFE.
I love Crescent and im and old girl of ACJC. I love AC Dance Society and my class.
I love my og kids and i definitely love my own OGLS. MIZU AND ZURG!
I'm now living in Seoul, a student of Korea Uni Media Dept. I am also on here to fulfill the promise I have for myself. 17th Hip Hop of KUDT. KOREA UNIV DANCE TEAM.
Always keeping the faith.
click 'about' and this entire thing will disappear~ *poof* because ive decided to make better use of the space XD
25 Dances
si da on speech day 06
pipe dance on national day celebration 06
mongolian dance on national day celebration 06
bumble bee on musical evening 06
finale on musical evening 06
yeah yeah yeah on orientation 07
lion dance on new year celebration 07
chingay parade of dreams 07
vitality on syf central judging 07
vitality on dance fantasia 200707
foyer dance on speech day 07
vitality on speech day 07
kaleidoscope on orientation 08
lion dance on cny celebration 08
chinese dance on cny celebration 08
vitality on cny celebration 08
vitality on SACSS swirl of sensation 08
vitality on SAJC Rapture 08
mesmerism/ju hua tai on Musical Evening 08
finale on Musical Evening 08
synergy on orientation 09
lion dance on cny celebration 09
mesmerism/ju hua tai on cny celebration on 09
New Beginning
SAKURA at Barker Road(Welcoming Australian Contingents)
SAKURA on Teacher's Day Celebration 2010
VEP DANCE on Tran Phu High School 2010
ASIAN BEATS on CNY Celebration 2011
Hiyah[FM] on CCA Exhibit 2011
Asian Beats on dance CIP NUS Guild House 2011
Mystical Journey on BAILAMOS 2011
Hiyah on BAILAMOS 2011
H.U.H on BAILAMOS 2011
Mystical Journey on SYF Dance Presentation 2011
Symphony of Bliss on SYF Dance Presentation 2011
Blues on Seniors' Night 2011
무대 위에
130511 Cover Dance on DREAM CONCERT 2013
130718 BAD WOLF on 언어교육관 말하기대회 2013
무대 위에
141011 고연전 신입생 힙합
141206 KUDT Party Time Vol 15. Bit**hz Only
141206 신입생 힙합
141222 위문공연 걸스힙합
150111 걸스 새터안무
150111 미들 새터안무
150517 The Union- Special Edition: Ri-Hey Perf Skool
150518 대동제- 얼반 그XX
150730 위문공연 걸스힙합
150919 고연전- 걸리쉬
150919 고연전- 주축 힙합
151101 The Union- Vol. 10- KUDT 걸리쉬
151128 KUDT 정공- 주축 오픈닝 무대
151128 KUDT 정공- 촉촉한소녀들
151128 KUDT 정공- 짱짬면
160522 The Union Vol 11 MMARY Skool
16____ KUDT 정공- 걸스힙합
17____ 고연전 오비 걸스힙합
18____ KUDT 20주년 신년회
180707 채널언더그라운드 Hellaaahip
180901 Funky Girls Hellaaahip
181006 고연전 오비 걸스힙합
Projects Participated
♥ Kyu Hyun's 3rd anniversary project
♥ Ryeo Wook's birthday project
♥ Eeteuk's birthday project
♥ Kibum's birthday project
♥ Yesung's birthday project
♥ Shin Dong's birthday project
♥ Donghae's birthday project
♥ Sungmin's birthday project
♥ Kangin's birthday project
♥ Hangeng's birthday project
♥ Siwon's birthday project
♥ Kyu Hyun's birthday project
♥ Super Junior UNICEF project
♥ Super Junior's 6th Anniversary project
KPOP Artistes Seen
~ Brown Eyed Girls
~ [B.A.P.]ZELO
~ [B1A4] CNU
~ [B1A4] BARO
KPOP Artistes Seen in Korea
~ [TASTY] Daeryong
~ [TASTY] Soryong
120905. 130201.130203.
~ [TINY-G]
120905. 121024.
~ [EXID]
~ [VIXX]
~ Simon
~ [D-UNIT]
~ [TWO-X]
~ [NEP]
~ [F.CUZ]
120909. 121117. 130412. 130801.
130113. 130201.130203.
120909. 130203.
~ IU
~ [AJAX]
~ [2PM] Wooyoung
~ BoA
~ [KARA] Seongyeon
~ [KARA] Nicole
~ [KARA] Hara
~ [KARA] Jiyoung
~ [KARA] Gyuri
~ [2YOON]
120909. 130201.130203.
120909. 130801.
121007. 130201.
~ [SNSD] Hyoyeon
~ [SNSD] Tiffany
~ [SNSD] Yuri
~ [SNSD] Jessica
~ [SNSD] Taeyeon
~ [SNSD] Seohyun
~ [SNSD] Sooyoung
~ [SNSD] Sunny
~ [SNSD] Yoona
~ [SUJU] Kangin
~ [SUJU] Leeteuk
~ [SUJU] Eunhyuk
~ [SUJU] Sungmin
~ [SUJU] Shindong
~ [SUJU] Donghae
~ [SUJU] Yesung
~ [SUJU] Siwon
~ [SUJU] Kyuhyun
~ [SJM]
~ [DBSK] Changmin
~ [DBSK] Yunho
121013. 121117.
~ [SISTAR] Dasom
~ [SISTAR] Bora
~ [SISTAR] Hyorin
~ [SISTAR] Soyou
~ [SISTAR19]
~ [100%]
121024. 130408.
~ [15&]
~ Baek Ah Yeon
~ [MR MR]
~ [SHE'Z]
~ [NEP]
~ [NAVI]
~ [ChAOz]
~ Ailee
~ [BTOB]
~ NS Yoon-G
~ Kim Green
~ [ZE:A]
~ Kim Soo Hyun
~ Jang Hyuk
~ Park Jung Min
121121. 121205
~ [24K]
~ [2BIC]
~ Juniel
~ [4MEN]
~ [Hello Venus]
~ Moon Hee Jun
~ Song Yong Jae OMG
~ [DMTN]
~ Lee Hyun Woo
~ 2PM
~ F(x)
~ 5Dolls
~ Brown Eyed Girls
~ Kim Hyun Joong
~ M.I.B.
~ Empire
I wanna DANCE
it's you by super junior
la cha ta by f(x)
mirotic by dbsk
miracle by super junior
i hate you by 2pm
again and again by 2pm
bad girl good girl by missA
lucifer by SHINee
Good luck by Beast
Good night kiss by Hyoseung
Hush by missA
Something by Girl's Day
Now by Troublemaker
One way love by Hyorin
24 Hours by Sunmi
Bad Girls by Lee Hyori
What's your name by 4Minute
24/7 by 2Yoon
If you love me by NS YoonG
Every night by EXID
Like Money by Wondergirls
Catch me by DBSK
Pandora by Kara
Beautiful Night by BEAST
Gangnam Style by PSY
I love you by 2NE1
Flashback by After School
Like This by Wondergirls
Twinkle by TaeTiSeo
Touch by miss A
Lovey Dovey by T-ara
Be my Baby by Wondergirls
Like this or that by 5dolls[chorus]
Paparazzi by Kan Mi Youn
Good Bye Baby by miss A
Roly Poly by T-ara
mr taxi by SNSD
hoot by SNSD
breathe by miss A
i need a girl [girl chorus] by TaeYang
push push by SISTAR
without you [chorus] by 2PM
i my me mine by 4Minute
2 different tears by Wonder Girls
huh by 4minute
run devil run by girls generation
OH! by girls generation
i go crazy because of you by T-ara
Change by Hyuna
Bo Peep Bo Peep by T-ara
like the beginning by T-ara
ring ding dong by SHINee
chu by f(x)
chocolate love by f(x)[chorus]
Muzik by 4Minute
nobody by wondergirls
tell me by wondergirls
gee by girls generation
tell me your wish (genie) by girls generation
_INFINITE- Inspirit
_INFINITE- First Invasion
_INFINITE- Evolution
_INFINITE- over the top
_INFINITE- paradise
_INFINITE- Infinitize
_INFINITE- New Challenge
_INFINITE- Destiny
_KIM SUNGGYU- Another me
_B.A.P.- Recodring Take 1
_B.A.P.- Warrior
_B1A4- ItB1A4
_B1A4- Ignition
_B1A4_ What's going on
_Brown Eyed Girls_ Kill Bill
_G-Dragon- One of a Kind
_K.Will- The 3rd Album
_Super Junior- Sorry Sorry ver A
_Super Junior- Sexy, Free & Single ver A
_Super Junior- A-Cha
_Super Junior- Mr Simple ver. B
_Super Junior- Bonamana
_Super Junior- Super Show 2 Audio
_Super Junior- Don't Don repackaged
_Super Junior M- Super Girl
_Secret- Starlight Moonlight
_T-ara- Breaking Heart
_T-ara- Fourth Album Black Eyes
_Davichi- Love Delight